Afbeelding van Shen’s Textbook on the Management of Autoimmune Diseases with Chinese Medicine

Shen’s Textbook on the Management of Autoimmune Diseases with Chinese Medicine

Shen Pi’an

This pioneering work presents an authoritative and comprehensive overview of autoimmune diseases from a clinical perspective and provides a step-by-step methodology for the evaluation and combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture in the management of these conditions. The author, one of China’s foremost specialists in the field, draws on his extensive experience to provide an in-depth analysis of his highly practical approach to treatment of the main autoimmune diseases, making it an indispensable companion for all Chinese medicine practitioners and all health professionals with an interest in understanding how Chinese medicine can help their patients. “Professor Shen’s writings impress not only by the clarity of the concepts he expounds, but crucially by the practical relevance and applicability of his work to the reality of the clinic. I can thoroughly recommend this excellent work.” Mazin Al-KhafajiMain Features• Detailed description and analysis of the main autoimmune diseases from a Chinese medicine perspective.• Diseases discussed in depth include systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Graves’ disease, and multiple sclerosis.• Full pattern identification and a comprehensive array of clinically effective...


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