Afbeelding van Network your way to success

Network your way to success

Carina Smit

Charisma is generally difficult to transfer to the printed page, unless, of course, you are Charles "Ruf" Ruffolo, MPA, the self-proclaimed NetworKING, a Professional Networker, Speaker and Trainer known for his inimitable style and wildfire networking events held throughout the Netherlands. Ruffolo's first book, Network Your Way to Success, which he wrote with author and public relations consultant Shirley Agudo, both of whom are natives of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a basic but complete guide to the complete networking, A to Z... and then some, with a strong infusion of his infectious charisma.Based on Ruffolo's very convincing premise that anyone can and everyone should and everyone already does network, he illuminates the whys, wherefores and wisdom of the power of networking for life. In an entertaining way, Ruffolo utilizes personal anecdotes from his wayward youth, 20-year military career with the U.S. Army and personal, celebrated road to success to illustrate how the average person can indeed change his or her life by learning how to network with conviction. Covered in-depth are ways to build, communicate to, expand, energize, motivate, enthuse, and lead your network, with a special section on the indisputable importance of Giving Back.As one of the most enthusiastic proponents...


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