Afbeelding van Der ewige Mensch - Ulrike Bolenz

Der ewige Mensch - Ulrike Bolenz

Willem Elias

The more you are confronted with the oeuvre of Ulrike Bolenz, the clearer it becomes that her art implies that one must learn to understand the chemistry of things, both literally and figuratively. Ulrike explains her technique as follows: “I film the model in my studio. Straight from the screen, I take pictures of the video. I then manipulate these video stills on the computer. I then treat the images chemically and apply them digitally (using analogue and digital photographic techniques) to large transparent acrylic sheets about 2 meters in height. After this, I edit these plates and install them in the room. Finally, I connect the different transparent layers with paint. Her idiosyncratic art balances innovatively between tradition and experiment. Technique and diversity of materials unmistakably play an essential role. Ulrike switches easily from one language to another, from one medium to another. In her complex art practice, she is constantly taking new paths. The book is divided into two large parts. The first part is printed in full-colour and shows her large artworks. The second part of the book is printed in a dark blue Pantone colour and illustrating the story behind the artist and her work. In the book, there are two interventions with paper. One side of the paper...


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