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Afbeelding van Rivers of Civilization from the Afro-Near East to Europe... via the Renaissance... to the biginning of the 1800s and a 1st billion population in the Modern World...

Rivers of Civilization from the Afro-Near East to Europe... via the Renaissance... to the biginning of the 1800s and a 1st billion population in the Modern World...

This history is intended for students and their academic teachers and those in the general public who are interested in having a highlighted chronological panoramic view of from where the human capacity for creating civilizations is coming ever since...

€ 35,95
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Afbeelding van RIVERS OF CIVILIZATION FROM THE AFRO-NEAR EAST TO EUROPE… via the Renaissance… to the beginning of the 1800s and a 1st billion population in the Modern World…

RIVERS OF CIVILIZATION FROM THE AFRO-NEAR EAST TO EUROPE… via the Renaissance… to the beginning of the 1800s and a 1st billion population in the Modern World…

This history is intended for students and their academic teachers and those in the general public who are interested in having a highlighted chronological panoramic view of from where the human capacity for creating civilizations is coming ever since...

€ 35,95
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